Strategic Piece Talks
The Entrepreneur's New Clothes (or, Different Types of Investor)
Beginning with friends and family through venture capital and private equity, we’ll hit the highlights and idiosyncrasies of potential sources of funding.
Purpose, Mission, Vision: Why On Earth Are You in Business?
In this edition of SPT, we’ll discuss how developing clarity of business purpose, mission, and vision helps set you and your business up for success.
8 Tips For Making Your Content Readable And Engaging
Eight tips to making your content readable and engaging so that it encourages your audience to stick around and heed your call to action.
Why An Editor Is Much More Than A Red Pen
Effective editing makes your content more appealing to humans and algorithms, and shows customers that you are knowledgeable, competent, and trustworthy.
Why Marketing Plans Fail
Melanie and Matt share their observations on why well-intentioned marketing plans often fail.
Do I Need Company Swag for Trade Shows?
If trade shows are in your marketing mix, check out this post on what makes effective swag along with helpful swag tips.
Retrofitting ABM To An 'Old School' Sales Team
This post focuses on implementing account based marketing to an “old school” B2B company.
50+ Quotes About Brand
Let's dive into B2B branding: what it is, why it's important, how brand fits with strategy, how to figure out your brand, how to operationalize your brand.
When Setting Strategy, Remember Your Vowels
When setting your company strategy, use our AEIOU framework to surface potentially risky assumptions and ensure the strategy you build is robust.
Marketing Isn't An Industrial Process & Your Product Isn't For Everyone
Marketing is not an industrial process with predictable outcomes, it requires experimentation, measurement, and optimization.
Convincing Investors to Pay for an Improved Customer Experience
Six tactics for winning over your investors when it comes to CX-related investments.
Finding Strategic Peace
Helping you find your strategic peace – your calm and clarity – so you can get your marketing un-stuck.
Revenue Architecture to Align Marketing, Sales, & Service
Download our guide to help you think through your B2B revenue architecture so you can align your marketing, sales, and service teams and drive revenue.
Database Hygiene – A Very Sexy Topic Indeed
Why having "dirty data" can impact your people and your ability to generate revenue and what you can do to clean your database and keep it clean.
Improving the Customer Experience: Where to Start
Improving the customer experience can be a nebulous objective. In this blog, we talk about how to get started with CX plans at your company.
Should I Hire an Executive Coach?
Knowing if, how, and when to bring in a coaching professional will help you swiftly move from indecision to action.
Content Marketing for the Uninspired
How to tackle content marketing when you're feeling uninspired (like I am).
Incentivizing Sales Performance
Many startups and early-stage businesses focus on product and testing. That’s great, up to a point. Incentivize your sales team to drive revenue growth.
Giving Them a Piece of the Action - Equity Compensation for Advisors
We explore the challenge of securing expert advice without having to pay in cash, and the pitfalls that can arise with equity compensation for advisors.
Founder vs Hired CEO
Our thoughts on why founders do not always stay CEO. and the challenges and opportunities encountered by hired CEOs when they take over.