Strategic Piece Talks
How B2B Customers Make Purchase Decisions
The way B2B customers make purchase decisions is changing. Watch the video to find out how your company can adapt to the digital marketing world.
How To: Customer Journey Map
Learn more about one of the most powerful tools for clients to get an in-depth understanding of their target customer – the Customer Journey Map.
What's Your Brand's Personality? + Why You Need a Style Guide
To stand out, you need to create a brand personality that appeals to your audience members' hearts and minds. Here are some tips to get you started.
The Power of Corporate Objectives
This post explains why corporate objectives are important for a business to know if they are headed in the right direction and its benefits.
Why Experimentation is Critical for Successful Marketing
The practice of continuous experimentation is proven and does offer the greatest chance of achieving a successful marketing outcome.
Marketing & Sales Automation: Dos & Don'ts
This post covers common myths about marketing automation and some tips for optimizing your marketing and sales automation efforts.
Boots on the Ground: Sales In The Information Age
In this post, we take a look at these questions: What does “boots on the ground” sales mean in the information age and how are B2B salespeople adapting?
The Proof of Concept Paradox
This post explains what exactly is meant by proof of concept and provides 3 steps to help early-stage companies unlock capital from investors.
Building Brand Recognition
The 5 levels of brand recognition, how to measure brand recognition, and action items you can do to increase brand recognition for your company now.
3 Ways to Keep Up with your Customers
Keeping up with your customers’ changing wants and needs can be time-intensive and daunting. Here are 3 ways to keep your marketing strategies relevant.
Credible Brands Are Built on Purpose and Values
To establish a credible brand, your audience must know what your business is and what it stands for, where you want it to go, and why you want it to get there.
Managing Your Marketing Metrics
Focusing on the fewest number of most important marketing metrics, you can avoid overwhelm and draw more insightful conclusions about what really matters.
Why is Content Marketing Important?
What content marketing is and why it’s such a powerful tool that is used by large companies, businesses that are scaling up, and startups.
Can't I Just Hire a Marketing Intern for That?
Sometimes founders think their first marketing hire should be a marketing intern. We discuss why you need to re-think that, but also how interns can help.
How to Set & Allocate a Marketing Budget
In theory, the more you spend, the more you should make back in revenue. Let's discuss setting a marketing budget and allocating that budget.
Who Really Cares if I Have a Strategy?
Why you should spend precious time debating your business strategy. Yes, we know you have a growing business to run.
How to Envision a Company Vision Statement (Via Traction)
Our overview of the framework in Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman, which helps leaders create their company vision statement.
Getting Past Fire Drills to Grow your Company
Five tips for founders and business leaders to stop managing by fire drills and start managing strategically.
Purpose, Mission, Vision: Why On Earth Are You in Business?
In this edition of SPT, we’ll discuss how developing clarity of business purpose, mission, and vision helps set you and your business up for success.
8 Tips For Making Your Content Readable And Engaging
Eight tips to making your content readable and engaging so that it encourages your audience to stick around and heed your call to action.