Strategic Piece Talks
How To: Customer Journey Map
Learn more about one of the most powerful tools for clients to get an in-depth understanding of their target customer – the Customer Journey Map.
What's Your Brand's Personality? + Why You Need a Style Guide
To stand out, you need to create a brand personality that appeals to your audience members' hearts and minds. Here are some tips to get you started.
The Power of Corporate Objectives
This post explains why corporate objectives are important for a business to know if they are headed in the right direction and its benefits.
How to Set & Allocate a Marketing Budget
In theory, the more you spend, the more you should make back in revenue. Let's discuss setting a marketing budget and allocating that budget.
Who Really Cares if I Have a Strategy?
Why you should spend precious time debating your business strategy. Yes, we know you have a growing business to run.
How to Envision a Company Vision Statement (Via Traction)
Our overview of the framework in Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman, which helps leaders create their company vision statement.
The Entrepreneur's New Clothes (or, Different Types of Investor)
Beginning with friends and family through venture capital and private equity, we’ll hit the highlights and idiosyncrasies of potential sources of funding.
Purpose, Mission, Vision: Why On Earth Are You in Business?
In this edition of SPT, we’ll discuss how developing clarity of business purpose, mission, and vision helps set you and your business up for success.
Convincing Investors to Pay for an Improved Customer Experience
Six tactics for winning over your investors when it comes to CX-related investments.
Think Before You Pivot
Is your business still viable? We take a closer look at pivoting: adapting your business to overcome – or take advantage of – changing business conditions.